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please please please listen to my newest single I’m begging  2025-02-04 I’ll be doing a listening party for my new album RUINED CASTLE  2024-11-28 RUINED CASTLE pre-orders now live  2024-11-22 Announcing Kid Lightbulbs LP3: RUINED CASTLE  2024-11-08 “hope inside my baby’s heart”  2024-11-01 Solo piano, parts 1 + 2  2024-09-30 STEP INTO THE OCEAN, reviewed by Erik Dionne of Dog Army  2024-07-30 Bandcamp subscription updates  2024-07-05 Announcing album 2: STEP INTO THE OCEAN  2024-05-06 THROW MYSELF INTO THE BAY is out now  2023-08-05 Life update 2023 edition  2023-03-21 I made a podcast about product  2020-03-11 Found my stuff  2020-02-24

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© brandon lucas green