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All posts tagged essay: How I broke $1000 in Bandcamp sales over 9 months  ·  August 18, 2024 Lightbulbs lore: seabreeze  ·  July 26, 2024 Musical déjà vu in STEP INTO THE OCEAN  ·  June 9, 2024 Internet DIY: My own music selling mechanism  ·  May 12, 2024 Playlists are the currency of digital middlemen  ·  April 29, 2024 Some guiding principles for creative independence  ·  April 22, 2024 Some unfiltered thoughts on AI and art  ·  January 27, 2024 Listening to Earthside’s “Watching the Earth Sink” half asleep on a morning flight  ·  January 12, 2024 Our new enablers  ·  March 28, 2023 Where we’re going, there are a million roads  ·  October 14, 2022 Location agnosticism  ·  January 21, 2021 Earworms  ·  March 1, 2020 So, layoffs are weird  ·  February 17, 2020 A bunch of crap duct-taped together  ·  January 20, 2020 32 places to put stuff  ·  September 11, 2016 The wonderful future, or my phone is slowly becoming my wallet  ·  August 31, 2016 On Prince’s “The Ballad of Dorothy Parker”  ·  May 3, 2016 Eight months, in an office  ·  March 8, 2016 On Maker Overload  ·  January 15, 2016 On “pop writing”  ·  January 5, 2016 Earthside reinvigorated prog & reminded me of my roots  ·  December 17, 2015

© brandon lucas green