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all posts by date:
- On Elastic Stage 2025-03-09
- More Bandcamp stats fun 2025-03-08
- More on Bandcamp sales & economics 2025-03-02
- REMIXED CASTLE: listening party, thanks, community & joy 2025-03-01
- REMIXED CASTLE 2025-02-20
- Blogging & RSS are the next phase of creator culture 2025-02-15
- Some ethical newsletter alternatives 2025-02-13
- please please please listen to my newest single I’m begging 2025-02-04
- My bandcamp strategy for 2025 2025-02-01
- On purpose 2025-01-26
- Nerding out with Buttondown’s now-free API 2025-01-16
- Kid Lightbulbs self-review, 2024 edition 2024-12-31
- Accepting the Spotify “problem” 2024-12-23
- On those music business influencer types 2024-12-15
- The RUINED CASTLE story 2024-12-13
- I’ll be doing a listening party for my new album RUINED CASTLE 2024-11-28
- RUINED CASTLE pre-orders now live 2024-11-22
- Please don't get tired of me 2024-11-17
- I think the independent artist community would be in a much 2024-11-17
- On podcast culture 2024-11-09
- The small selection of music I can focus to 2024-11-08
- Announcing Kid Lightbulbs LP3: RUINED CASTLE 2024-11-08
- “hope inside my baby’s heart” 2024-11-01
- I need music as an outlet 2024-10-27
- The next Kid Lightbulbs single will be "hope inside my baby's heart" 2024-10-25
- I figured out a way to “host” my shorter social posts 2024-10-22
- On “alternative” acts 2024-10-21
- Solo piano, parts 1 + 2 2024-09-30
- How I broke $1000 in Bandcamp sales over 9 months 2024-08-18
- STEP INTO THE OCEAN, reviewed by Erik Dionne of Dog Army 2024-07-30
- Lightbulbs lore: seabreeze 2024-07-27
- Easy, impromptu live performance videos 2024-07-12
- Bandcamp subscription updates 2024-07-05
- Musical déjà vu in STEP INTO THE OCEAN 2024-06-09
- Internet DIY: My own music selling mechanism 2024-05-12
- Announcing album 2: STEP INTO THE OCEAN 2024-05-06
- Playlists are the currency of digital middlemen 2024-04-29
- Some guiding principles for creative independence 2024-04-22
- Some unfiltered thoughts on AI and art 2024-01-27
- Listening to Earthside’s “Watching the Earth Sink” half asleep on a morning flight 2024-01-12
- On platform incentives & supporting indies 2023-12-23
- THROW MYSELF INTO THE BAY is out now 2023-08-05
- Liberal arts and the jobs of 2030 2023-04-20
- Our new enablers 2023-03-28
- Life update 2023 edition 2023-03-21
- Where we’re going, there are a million roads 2022-10-14
- Location agnosticism 2021-01-21
- Creativity & LinkedIn 2021-01-08
- Fits & starts 2021-01-06
- Out of nowhere 2021-01-01
- I made a podcast about product 2020-03-11
- Clarity is out the disinfected window 2020-03-09
- Earworms 2020-03-01
- Found my stuff 2020-02-24
- So, layoffs are weird 2020-02-17
- Everyone’s a workaholic 2020-02-10
- Clarity check-in 2020-02-03
- Thoughts on thoughts on iPads 2020-01-29
- A bunch of crap duct-taped together 2020-01-20
- Secret weird things I do 2020-01-19
- Running a dumb robot vacuum with Shortcuts 2019-06-19
- Impostor snowflake 2019-06-12
- Gear / Hyperportability 2018-07-18
- 32 places to put stuff 2016-09-11
- The wonderful future, or my phone is slowly becoming my wallet 2016-08-31
- On Prince’s “The Ballad of Dorothy Parker” 2016-05-03
- Eight months, in an office 2016-03-08
- Peak live music 2016-02-03
- On Maker Overload 2016-01-15
- You Won’t Be Successful, Unless This Medium Post Is 2016-01-08
- On “pop writing” 2016-01-05
- Earthside reinvigorated prog & reminded me of my roots 2015-12-17
- In Defense of Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz 2015-12-06
- Task managers are tough 2015-11-09
- The compulsive process 2015-10-11
- NYC and back (permanently) 2015-10-08
- Exploiting the hour commute 2015-07-30
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© brandon lucas green